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Affect Labeller of Expressions developed by SCCL at the University of Washington.


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Version: v1.0
Revision: b913bc18cd0a25c95a15f45ad41b0eb3f699b4f1
Build Time: 2013-10-25T14:10:06.449-0700


ALOE stands for Affect Labeler of Expressions. The latest version is 1.0.

ALOE was developed to train and test machine learning classifiers for automatically labeling chat messages with different emotion or affect categories. The software runs in one of four modes:

  • In "train" mode, ALOE takes a list of messages with ground truth labels (either "true" or "false") and trains a classifier to predict the labels for unseen messages.

  • In "label" mode, ALOE uses a classifier it has already trained, to generate predicted labels for a set of unlabeled messages, or to evaluate the classifier on a labeled "test" set.

  • In "single" mode, ALOE uses a previous classifier to label a single message provided as a command line argument ("-x" option).

  • Finally, ALOE features an "interactive" mode where a trained model is used to predict the label for messages that you type while the program runs.

These three modes are explained in detail below.

Download ALOE 1.0 (Fall 2012) -- View Javadocs

Download ALOE 1.1 (Fall 2013) -- View Javadocs

Running ALOE

The basic usage for ALOE is the following:

java -jar aloe.jar PIPELINE_CLASS MODE OPTIONS...

The PIPELINE_CLASS must be the name of a class in the etc.aloe.factories package, which implements etc.aloe.factories.PipelineFactory. Currently, the only available class is CSCW2013.

The MODE can be one of "train", "label", "single", or "interactive". Each mode has its own required and optional arguments, detailed below.

The following are some common options that can be used in any of the three modes:

  • --dateformat DATE_FORMAT, -d DATE_FORMAT: Provide a custom date format string (default is 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as for SimpleDateFormat.

  • --random N, -r N: Random seed for the Random instance shared across ALOE.

Pipeline Classes

Specific pipeline classes define additional options, depending on the mode. The available pipelines are listed here. Basic options available (or required) regardless of the pipeline selected are in the following sections.

  • CSCW2013 - segmentation by time threshold, mixed feature set, and linear SVM classification.

Data Format

The data files consumed or produced by ALOE are in comma-separated value format.

Input files must minimally have id, time, participant, and message columns.

  • id: a positive integer uniquely identifying the message.
  • time: a value parseable by SimpleDateFormat. The default date-time format is that of the MySQL DATETIME type: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' but other formats can be provided via the --dateformat option.
  • participant: contains the name of the person who originated each message. If that isn't relevant for your data set, you can just use the same participant name (or an empty string) for each record.
  • message: contains the actual text of the message.

A truth column may be provided if the data is labeled. Its values should be true, false, or empty.

Output CSV files will have a similar format, but with added predicted, segment, and confidence columns. The predicted column indicates the predicted label for the message, true or false. The segment column contains an integer id of the segment to which the message was assigned. The confidence column gives the estimated probability for the predicted label.

Sample messages with ground truth labels (i.e. data for "train" mode):

5,2004-11-27 03:36:32,Alice,Hello,false
9,2004-11-27 03:36:43,Bob,Well hello there.,true

Sample messages with partial labeling (i.e. data for "test" mode):

5,2004-11-27 03:36:32,Alice,Hello,false,false
9,2004-11-27 03:36:43,Bob,Well hello there.,true
10,2004-11-27 03:36:49,Alice,I am super happy today!,
11,2004-11-27 03:37:01,Bob,"Why, there's nothing to be happy about!",
12,2004-11-27 03:37:15,Bob,In fact I am going back to bed.,

Sample labeled output:

5,2004-11-27 03:36:32,Alice,Hello,false,false,1
9,2004-11-27 03:36:43,Bob,Well hello there.,true,true,2
10,2004-11-27 03:36:49,Alice,I am super happy today!,,true,1
11,2004-11-27 03:37:01,Bob,"Why, there's nothing to be happy about!",,true,2
12,2004-11-27 03:37:15,Bob,In fact I am going back to bed.,,false,2

Train Mode

In "train" mode, ALOE performs the following tasks:

  1. Read labeled data from a CSV file.
  2. Segment the data so that closely related messages are considered together.
  3. Use cross validation to evaluate the features/classifier on the segmented data.
  4. Train an overall classifier on the segmented data.
  5. Produce output including the trained model, feature specification, and evaluation.


java -jar aloe.jar PIPELINE_CLASS train INPUT_CSV OUTPUT_DIR [options...]

INPUT_CSV is a required path to a comma-separated value (CSV) file with labeled message data (format described above). The input file must minimally contain columns for id, participant, time, message, and truth.

OUTPUT_DIR is a required path to a directory where ALOE's output files will be created. The output files that ALOE produces in "train" mode are described below. Files in this directory may be overwritten.

Optional: Use the --roc option to generate a ROC curve for each fold of cross validation. You can also use the --feature-values flag to output "feature_values.csv", a dump of the training data after feature extraction. The --test-sets flag will cause each cross-validation test set to be dumped, with labels, as CSV files.


Within the provided OUTPUT_DIR, ALOE will create the following files:

  • command.txt: A text file containing the command-line arguments for ALOE and the time of the run.
  • features.spec: A binary file containing the fully configured filters used to extract features from the message data.
  • model.model: A binary file containing the trained model. This file should always be paired with its matching features.spec file for future use.
  • report.txt: A human-readable report about cross-validation results.
  • top_features.txt: A human-readable ranked list of the top 10 most highly-weighted features.
  • feature_weights.csv: A CSV spreadsheet listing the weight that was assigned to each feature by the classifier.
  • feature_values.csv: A CSV spreadsheet with the features extracted from every training instance, if the --feature-values flag was used.
  • rocs/Fold N.csv: If --roc was used, CSV spreadsheets containing the ROC curves for each fold of cross validation.
  • test_sets/Fold N.csv: If --test-sets was used, CSV files containing labeled test data will be exported for each round of cross validation.

Files in the output directory may be overwritten.

Label Mode

In "label" mode, ALOE performs the following steps:

  1. Read and segment message data from a CSV file.
  2. Read a trained model and feature specification from files.
  3. Use the model to classify the segments.
  4. If the input data contained any labeled messages, evaluate the predicted labels against the provided labels.
  5. Save output including the now-labeled messages and the evaluation report.


java -jar aloe.jar PIPELINE_CLASS label INPUT_CSV OUTPUT_DIR -m MODEL_FILE -f FEATURES_FILE [options...]

INPUT_CSV is a required path to a comma-separated value (CSV) file with message data (format described above). The input file must minimally contain columns for id, participant, time, and message. If a truth column is provided, messages for which a truth value is provided will be labeled and used to evaluate the classifier.

OUTPUT_DIR is a required path to a directory where ALOE's output files will be created. The output files that ALOE produces in "label" mode are described below. Files in this directory may be overwritten.

Required options:

  • --features FEATURES_FILE, -f FEATURES_FILE: Path to an existing feature specification file (i.e. features.spec), produced in "train" mode.
  • --model MODEL_FILE, -m MODEL_FILE: Path to an existing model file (i.e. model.model), produced in "train" mode. This must match the provided features file.

Optional: Use the --roc option to generate a ROC curve from any data that was already labeled. You can also use the --feature-values flag to output "feature_values.csv", a dump of the training data after feature extraction.


Within the provided OUTPUT_DIR, ALOE will create the following files:

  • command.txt: A text file containing the command-line arguments for ALOE and the time of the run.
  • report.txt: A human-readable report about cross-validation results. This is only produced if some of the input data had ground-truth labels provided.
  • labeled.csv: A CSV spreadsheet containing the input data, with new predicted, segment, and confidence columns.
  • feature_values.csv: A CSV spreadsheet with the features extracted from every training instance, if the --feature-values flag was used.
  • roc.csv: A CSV spreadsheet containing the ROC curve, if --roc was used.

Files in the output directory may be overwritten.

Single Mode

In "single" mode, ALOE performs the following steps:

  1. Read a trained model and feature specification from files.
  2. Label the message provided via the "-x" argument and classify using the loaded model.
  3. Print the label.


java -jar aloe.jar PIPELINE_CLASS single -m MODEL_FILE -f FEATURES_FILE -x MESSAGE_TEXT [options...]

Required options:

  • --features FEATURES_FILE, -f FEATURES_FILE: Path to an existing feature specification file (i.e. features.spec), produced in "train" mode.
  • --model MODEL_FILE, -m MODEL_FILE: Path to an existing model file (i.e. model.model), produced in "train" mode. This must match the provided features file.
  • --message MESSAGE_TEXT, -x MESSAGE_TEXT: Text of message to label.


ALOE simply prints true if the model predicted that the label applies, and false otherwise.

Interactive Mode

In "interactive" mode, ALOE performs the following steps:

  1. Read a trained model and feature specification from files.
  2. Repeatedly read messages from standard input and repeatedly classify each one using the loaded model.
  3. Save the labeled messages.


java -jar aloe.jar PIPELINE_CLASS interactive OUTPUT_DIR -m MODEL_FILE -f FEATURES_FILE [options...]

OUTPUT_DIR is a required path to a directory where ALOE's output files will be created. The output files that ALOE produces in "interactive" mode are described below. Files in this directory may be overwritten.

Required options:

  • --features FEATURES_FILE, -f FEATURES_FILE: Path to an existing feature specification file (i.e. features.spec), produced in "train" mode.
  • --model MODEL_FILE, -m MODEL_FILE: Path to an existing model file (i.e. model.model), produced in "train" mode. This must match the provided features file.


Within the provided OUTPUT_DIR, ALOE will create the following file:

  • labeled.csv: A CSV spreadsheet containing the messages typed by the user, with predicted column, indicating the predicted label for the message: true or false.

Files in the output directory may be overwritten.

Building ALOE

ALOE is distributed as a project for the NetBeans IDE, so we recommend using NetBeans if you want to build ALOE from source. You should also be able to use the included Ant build file directly, if you want.

ALOE depends on several 3rd party jar files that you may need to obtain to build the project. These can be extracted from the binary distribution, or you can download them yourself. Your project directory should (minimally) have the following structure:

  • build.xml
  • nbproject/
  • test/
  • src/
  • lib/
    • weka.jar
    • javacsv.jar
    • args4j-2.0.21.jar
    • junit_4/
      • junit-4.10.jar (included with NetBeans)
    • CopyLibs/
      • org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar (included with NetBeans)

The file may also define links to source code for these libraries, but this shouldn't be required to build.

You can build in NetBeans, or just run ant. This will produce a dist folder containing the main aloe.jar file, all of the required libraries, and the javadocs.


ALOE relies on machine learning implementations from the Weka data mining software. Command line argument parsing is handled by args4j. Parsing and writing of comma-separated value files uses JavaCSV.


ALOE was created by members of the Scientific Collabration and Creativity Lab at the University of Washington.

Principle contributors:

Citing this software

If you publish research conducted using this software, please cite the following paper:

Brooks, M., Kuksenok, K., Torkildson, M. K., Perry, D., Robinson, J. J.,
  Scott, T. J., Anicello, O., Zukowski, A.,  Harris, P., Aragon, C. R. 2013.
  Statistical Affect Detection in Collaborative Chat. Proceedings of CSCW 2013. ACM.

More information is available on the SCCL website.

Version History

  • v1.0 - Initial release with implementations for our CSCW 2013 paper.


ALOE is released under the GNU General Public License (version 3).

Copyright (c) 2012 SCCL, University of Washington (


Affect Labeller of Expressions developed by SCCL at the University of Washington.







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